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Margaliti Comprehensive English-Georgian Online Dictionary


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Comprehensive English-Georgian Online Dictionary was uploaded to the Internet in 2010. It is based on the fascicles of English-Georgian Dictionary published under the general editorship of Tinatin Margalitadze.

The work on the Dictionary started in the 1970s at the Chair of English Philology of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. In 1980s, a small team of editors embarked upon the mission of fundamentally revising, expanding and updating the dictionary in order to prepare it for publication. In the 1990s the editorial team of the Dictionary started digitalization of the dictionary material and in 1995 there began the printed publication of the English-Georgian Dictionary in fascicles. 14 fascicles of the Dictionary have been published so far, comprising up to 2500 printed pages.

The Comprehensive English Georgian Dictionary presently contains up to 110 000 entries. Taking into consideration the fact that dictionary entries fully represent the polysemy of English words, contain numerous collocations, phrasal verbs, phraseological units, ample amount of scientific and technical, economic and artistic terms, as well as terms from various other fields – the total material is as comprehensive as up to 800 000 units.

The internal search system of the Online Dictionary enables the search for English words, collocations, phrasal verbs, idioms, as well as the search for Georgian words and phrases (see the Technical Guide for the Dictionary).

The English Georgian Online Dictionary is primarily intended for specialists on English, teachers, translators and specialists from other fields of knowledge, who have to deal with specialist texts; the Dictionary is also intended for students, generally for the individuals who study English, as well as for those interested in the English language and culture. The Dictionary will be of some benefit also for foreigners who are interested in the Georgian language.

Working on a dictionary is a never-ending process. Language is changing constantly, reflecting the changes which affect the society using the language in question. Within the language there appear new words, or already existing words develop additional meanings; some words and meanings fall into disuse; the register of word usage is undergoing permanent changes: the words recorded as slang items only two decades ago, function as quite ordinary colloquial words today; on the contrary, words with rather neutral meanings may, in the course of time, acquire some rude / vulgar colouring; there appear numerous new realities of life, which must be adequately reflected by the language. All this is especially important for the English language, as far as the latter has displayed rather rapid rate of diachronic transformation at each stage of its development.

Therefore the editorial team of the Online Dictionary is constantly updating the Dictionary, adding new entries, improving and refining the definitions. In 2022 there will be published the third revised and expanded edition of the Comprehensive English-Georgian Online Dictionary.

The editors of the present Dictionary will accept with gratitude any comment, suggestion, improvement from our readers.

Editorial Board:
© † Shukia Apridonidze, Gela Khundadze, Tinatin Margalitadze (editor in chief), George Meladze, † Arrian Tchanturia
Editors: † Guliko Antelava, Khatuna Gurieli, Natia Kvernadze
Publisher: Tinatin Margalitadze

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